Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Check out our list of FAQs and you're likely to find the answer.

Got a question?

Take a look through the list below, click on the question to see the answer and hopefully you'll find what you're looking for.

We have grouped our FAQs into 4 main categories of question (click to jump):

If your question isn't on the list please drop us a line to and we'll be more than happy to help.

Questions about Event Days

When is the next event?

Our next event is on Saturday 2nd November 2024. It is a Skirmish Event.

Why not book your place, find out more info, or see our full event calendar.

What time do I need to arrive for a game day?

Arrive at around 8:00.

Briefing for new players on Skirmish Days is at 9.00. Main briefing begins at 9:30 with play starting at 10.

Time needs to be allowed for booking in and sorting out your kit.

What is the schedule for the day?

  • Players to arrive around 8:00 for booking in and gun hire collection
  • We have a new player briefing at 09:00
  • The main briefing with a run through of house rules and games starts at 09:30
  • Morning play to begin at 10:00
  • The rest of the day is variable dependant on the types of game being played. There is 45 – 60 minutes for lunch (which can be purchased from us)
  • The day ends either when it gets dark or at approximately 16:30 depending on how the games are running

Where do I go upon arrival?

Upon arrival follow the signs to the main AGB building in a courtyard of other buildings. Climb the black stairs into the shop, this is where you confirm attendance for the day and (if applicable) pick up your gun hire ticket. Then please go and prepare yourself and collect your gun from the rooms below the shop.

What happens if the weather is bad?

We have and will play through snow, hail, rain and wind. If conditions are treacherous or we deem them to endanger the safety of players or marshals, then we reserve the right to cancel game in advance or halt them.

How is playing policed?

There will always be a Head Marshal and depending on the type of day that you are attending there will either be highly visible marshals around the site or there will be player marshals. Either way these marshals will be made aware to you before the start of play.

The marshal/player marshals job is to ensure the rules of the site are enforced. This means watching for hit taking, encouraging good sportsmanship, alerting you to changes in the games, timing and monitoring the games objectives and ensuring the safety of the players. In the event of any disputes the Head Marshal has the final word.

If you have a problem on the day, then please tell your marshal or we can't help to resolve the issue.

Above all airsoft is about honesty. We promote and expect honesty and respect from all our players. It is the biggest factor in determining how much everyone enjoys their games play.

Do you have parking on the site?

Yes, we ask players to park sensibly around the safe zones of the site. There is overflow parking roadside near the front of the residence that shares the land. Please be aware that some of the parking is on grass banks which can get muddy (don’t get stuck!)

Is there a first aider present for game days?

Yes, there is always a member of the AGB team that is first aid trained present for game days.

How do I get to Airsoft GB?

It is easy! Take the A12 towards Colchester and then join the A120. Turn left 1 mile after the A133 to Clacton onto Park Road, then turn right onto Hilliard Road and we are under the very large WW2 Radar mast! For further details please look at our find us page.

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Questions about Guns and Equipment

What are the gun FPS limits for Airsoft GB?

We restrict the guns that we allow to be used in play on our site to the following (0.20g bb representation):

  • AEG/Pistols max 350 FPS / 1.14 joules
  • DMR (locked to semi) max 450 FPS / 1.88 joules
  • Bolt Action Snipers 500 FPS / 2.32 joules

We have these restrictions in place for safety and insurance purposes. Guns will be chronographed on the day and we will refuse the use of a gun that is firing over site limits. We also reserve the right to re-chronograph a gun at any point in game play.

What are the minimum engagement distances for snipers and DMRs?

Minimum shooting distance for a sniper and any gun over 350 FPS is 30 metres.

What kind of footwear should be worn?

We recommend player wear boots with ankle support and are prepared for mud and wet undergrowth.

What is the procedure for bringing my own gun to an event?

All guns to be used in play must have their FPS checked by one of our marshals. Once your gun has proven it meets our sites FPS limits then you are good to go! We do ask that all snipers also carry a pistol or similar secondary gun for any close-range action.

Do I have to have my own gun to visit Airsoft GB?

No, you don’t. You can hire a gun from us, please click here for more details of the guns we have available to hire.

If you have your own gun you can bring it / them along. It will need to be chronographed and meet site limits so please see a member of staff with your gun when you arrive on the day

What types of BBs can I use on your site?

Plastic BBs only please. We have also found that BBs from a trusted merchant give the best results, they are less likely to jam guns and not to break upon impact (this means it is more likely that your opponent will feel the hit).

If you are hiring a gun from us, then you can only use BBs that you buy from us in the hire gun.

What are the clothing restrictions at Airsoft GB?

When in game play, players must wear long sleeves. This is for insurance purposes and is good for health and safety. We have some clothing options in our shop if you require something additional on the day.

Can I bring my own pyrotechnics to an event?

Only pyrotechnics sold onsite may be used and no one under 18 may buy pyrotechnics.

Is there anything I need to do if I have a HPA (High Pressure Air) airsoft gun?

All HPA regulators must have a tournament lock option. A cable tie will be used to stop any adjustment in air pressure if a tournament lock is not fitted

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Questions Before Booking

Do I have to book before coming to an event?

We ask everyone to book online before attending an event day. If you are hiring a gun, you need to choose your gun and select which date you will be attending. If you have your own gun(s) and equipment you need to book your walk-on.

Please do not turn up to an event date unless you have booked.

Are there any extra or hidden costs?

If you hire your gun with us then you may need to also purchase extra BBs from us.

We have other products for sale in our shop that are optional additions to your game playing and include:

  • A range of different weight BBs
  • Camouflage gear
  • Armoured gloves
  • Face masks/glasses/goggles
  • Smoke grenades
  • Pea grenades
  • AGB merchandise
  • And much more

What can I buy on site?

Our shop sells a wide range of airsoft accessories, guns, AGB merchandise and the essential game playing items such as BBs and grenades. On Skirmish and Tactical Warfare days we have hot food on sale and always have drinks and chocolates bars available to buy. Tea, coffee and tap water are available without charge at all times.

Is food available on the site?

For Skirmish and Tactical Warfare day events, we sell bacon sandwiches for breakfast and beef burgers at lunch time*. We also have a variety of chocolate bars, fizzy and energy drinks on sale. We have free tea, coffee and tap water available throughout the day.

As standard we do not offer vegetarian options but can offer these options within 3 days' notice of attendance, so get in touch with any particular dietary requirements you may have.

*subject to change

What do I need in order to play?

Firstly, you must have completed all the necessary AGB forms. You must either have your own gun or hire a gun from AGB.

What game type is best for me?

Have a look at our page about the types of game days that we offer as this will help you to further understand the different types of games that we offer.

Put simply though we have 2 commonly running game types and they are:

Skirmish – this is a great day of fast paced fun playing in which you can expect to be teamed alongside beginners and people newer to Airsoft. You don’t have to be new to airsoft to enjoy this day though.

Tactical Warfare - these days are designed for the more experienced players looking to expand their love of all things Airsoft. If you like tactics and teamwork, then this will be the more challenging and professional day for you. We want players to use semi auto style gameplay with great communication and planning. Games will be a variety of short and skilled to long and careful. There may be ammo limitations and even medic rules with bandages and more realism than your average skirmish.

We also offer training day for beginners and Pro/scenario days’ subject to request and demand. Please get in touch, or explore our game day page to find out more about these types of days.

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